Forensic Medicine

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Infectious Doses

·         Shigella, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Giardia lamblia, or Entamoeba, as few as 10–100
·         Salmonella: 103–106
·         Vibrio cholera: 105–108
·         ETEC, EIEC, and EAggEC: 106 to 1010
·         Cryptosporidium: 50% infectious dose: ~132 oocysts in nonimmune individuals
·         B. anthracis, While an LD50 of 10,000 spores is a generally accepted number it has also been suggested that as few as one to three spores may be adequate to cause disease in some settings.
·         F.turarensis: as few as 10 organisms causing infection

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