Forensic Medicine

Monday, May 18, 2015

ENT Facts from Previous Papers

·         HO's Triangle / Supraclavicular fossa --  involvement of this region in Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is N3b irrespective of the size of the tumor. T4 in NP Ca is involvement of orbit, cranial nerves, infratempral fossa, hypopharynx.
NOTE: Even a 6cm node in NP Ca is considered to be N1 and not N2 as in other Head and Neck Cancers.
Extension into the PNS is T3.

·         Diurnal Headache : Frontal Sinusitis.
(Note: Postural headache is seen in Colloid Cyst -Brain)

·         Type of Rhinitis with no use of Nasal Decongestants - HYPERTROPHIC RHINITIS (b'coz of fibrosis)

·         Perez Bacillus - is Klebsiella ozaena.

·         Mass of several Normal tissue at Abnormal site : CHORISTOMA
·         Malformed Normal tissue, at it's Normal site is : HAMARTOMA eg:Hemangioma.

·         Bleeding Polyp of the nose : HEMANGIOMA of NASAL SEPTUM.

·         Commonest virus causing rhinitis : Rhino virus in >50%.

·         Distance between nasal spine and sphenoid sinus -- 7cm in adult, at an angle of 30 degrees.

·         SARDINA's Approach (Transpalatine + Sublabial) and DENKER's Approach are used for - Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.

·         Indicators of Radiotherapy in NP-Angiofibroma : 
Extension into intracranial cavity.
When the feeding vessel is a branch of Internal Carotid Artery.

·         Sluder's Neuralgia : is Sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia.

·         STEEPLE Sign is seen in : CROUP / Acute Laryngotracheobronchtis. 
·         THUMB Sign : is seen in Acute Epiglottitis.

·         'Sinus of Morgagni Syndrome' = TROTTER's Triad of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.

·         Cholesteatoma of the nose : RHINITIS CASEOSA

·         The pathognomonic radiological sign of Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma : Antral Sign / Holman - Miller sign - due to involvement of Pterygopalatine fossa.

·         Gateway of tears in esophagoscopy is KILLIAN'S DEHISCENSE - between Cricopharyngeus and Thyropharyngeus parts of Inferior Constrictor muscle.

·         Nasopharyngeal Bursa -----> Pharyngeal Bursitis is called THORNWALDT's Disease

·         Pharyngeal Recess = Fossa of Rosenmuller

·         Pharyngeal Pouch = Zenker's Diverticulum

·         Herpangina is caused by Group A Cox-sackie virus.

·         Pharyngitis + Conjunctivitis + Abdominal Pain mimicking appendicitis + Fever : Diagnosis is PHARYNGO-CONJUNCTIVAL fever caused by Adenovirus.

·         Acute Lymphondoular Pharyngitis - mainly caused by Coxsackie virus.

·         Horny excrescences on tonsils, pharyngeal wall or lingual tonsils are seen in - KERATOSIS PHARYNGITIS. 
(Note : they cannot be wiped off, no inflammation or constitutional symptoms, treatment is Reassurance)

·         Irwin-Moure sign - Pressure on anterior faucial pillar extruding pus in tonsillitis. ( In Mouth )

·         Bad taste in mouth is called as - CAGUS.

·         'Hot Potato Voice' - seen in QUINSY / Peritonsillar Abscess.

·         Potato tumor is Rhinophyma.

·         Spaces of GILLETTE: are the 2 divisions of retropharyngeal space.

·         Styloid process is related to parapharyngeal space and it divides the space into anterior and posterior compartments.

·         Apple Jelly Nodules are seen in LUPUS VULGARIS.

·         MC site of supraglottic ca – Infrahyoid epiglottis

·         Minor cavum effect seen in tympanoplasty – Type IV
Columella effect seen in tympanoplasty – Type III

·         T1 glottic ca limited to middle 1/3rd of vocal fold: Cordectomy via laryngofissure
T1 –T2 supraglottic ca with good PFT: Supraglottic laryngectomy
T1 –T2 glottic ca with good PFT: Vertical partial laryngectomy

·         Post wall of nasopharynx related to – Only 1st cervical vertebrae
·         Supraomohyoid (Anterolateral) neck dissection removes – Levels I – III

·         Lymphatic drainage of ear lobule is into – Superficial cervical nodes

·         Beefy red epiglottis seen in – Epiglottitis

·         Bezold eponyms in ENT
  1. Bezold's triad : 1. Diminished perception of the deeper tones,
2. retarded bone conduction, and
3. negative Rinne's test,
pointing, in the absence of objective signs, to otosclerosis
2. Bezold's abscess: abscess deep in the neck parapharyngeal space associated with suppuration in the mastoid cells
3. Bezold's sign / symptom: Inflammatory edema at the tip of the mastoid process in mastoiditis
4. Bezold's ganglion: An aggregation of nerve cells in the interatrial septum
5. Bezold's mastoiditis: Mastoiditis with perforation medially into the digastric groove and forming a deep neck abscess

·         What are the lines of Dolan?
They are three anatomic contours best seen on the Waters view (occipitomental view )of the face, and they were first popularized by Dolan et al.
As you can see, the 3 lines of Dolan lead the eye along some facially important structures.
Lee Rogers pointed out that the 2nd and 3rd lines together form the profile of an elephant.

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