Forensic Medicine

Friday, May 15, 2015

Dermatology Facts from Previous Papers

·         chinese letter pattern of hyperpigmentation: vesicular stage of the incontinentia pigmenti. this is otherwise called bloch sulzberger or bloch siemens syndrome .

·         A defect in desmoglein 1 causes --- pemphigus foliaceous
A defect in desmoglein 2 causes --- pemphigus vegitans
A defect in desmoglein 3 causes --- pemphigus vulgaris .

·         S/E of Clofazimine therapy are A/E – Peripheral neuropathy

·         UV-A is a long-wave UV ray (320 nm) & long term exposure causes elatotic degeneration

1) acantholytic cells-------------------((2))

2) "acantholysis---seen in epidermis , & pemphigus"--------------((2))

3) "condyloma acuminata---org.-HPV, Rx podophyllin ."---------((2))

4) clofazimine---commonest side effect –hyperpigmentation----------((2))

5) chloroquine ---uses--------------------((2))

6) dermatophyte infec.---civatte bodies seen-------------((2))

7) "donovanosis---pseudobubes , calmmatobacterium granulomatis"-------------------((2))

8) "dapsone---dose=1-2mg/kg ,commenest side efeect-hemolytic anemia"-------------((2))

9) epidermolysis bullosa---cause genetic -------------------------------((2))

10) erythema marginatum---cause acute Rheumatic fever------------------((2))

11) "hyperpigmentation---causes,haemochromatosis…."---------------((2))

12) "impetigo contagiosa---honey coloured crusts, commonest skin infec. In children,"-----((2))

13) molluscum contagiosum---pox virus------------------(2))

14) "pediculosis corporis---also called Acarus ,, Phthiris pubis--shows Macula cerulea"-----((2))

15) pityriasis alba--- ---------------((2))

16) pruritus---& pruritus in uremia---Rx UV therapy --------------((2))

17) porphyria---( acute intermittent porphyria & porphria cutanous tarda)-------(2)

18) pyoderma gangrenosum --- ulcerative colitis ---------------((2))

19) "oral retinoids---used for acne , commonest side effect skin rashes"--------((2))

20) rhinophyma---acne rosacea--------------------((2))

21) ring worm---tinea infec.--------------------(2))

22) spongiosis---seen in acute eczema-----------------((2))

23) Tinea versicolar---malassezia furfur -----------((2))

24) Tuberous sclerosis--- --------------(2)

25) "Trichomonas vaginalis---frothy geen yellow vaginal discharge ,most common trophozoite infec . In STDS,"---------------------((2))

26) urticaria---& urticaria pigmentosa--- darrier's sign ----------------((2))

1) acne acuminata ---seen in T.B. ---------------((1))

2) acneiform drug eruption---causes --------------((1))

3) acrodermatitis enteropathica---Rx ( zinc) ------------((1))

4) "actinomycosis---also called as "" MOSSY FOOT ""." ----------((1))

5) alopecia---nonscarring (psoriasis) & scarring (L.P.)--causes. ---------((1))

6) "angioedema---also called "" QUINCKE'S disease""." -----------((1))

7) apthous ulcers -------------------------------((1))

8) bacel cell ca. --------------------------------((1))

9) bushke-lowenstein synd.---Rx cryosurgery ----------((1))

10) behcets synd. ----------------------------((1))

11) clubbing---fluctuation is the FIRST SIGN. ----------((1))

12) ciclopirox olamine---used for fungal/tinea. ----------((1))

13) "cutaneous marker of malignancy---(necrolytic migratory erythema,annular erythema,acanthosis nigricans.)" ----------------------((1))

14) creeping cutaneous eruption---(ancylostoma braziliense )-------------((1))

15) "cotrimazole---uses-gonorrhoea ,LVG,granuloma inguinale"---------------((1))

16) "dermatitis---atopic,contact,irritant contact,seborrhoeic."-----------------((1))

17) dermatomyositis---GOTTRON'S papules--------------------((1))

18) drug eruptions---(photosensitive lichenoid-gold)----------------((1))

19) DDS---cochrane was the first person to use DDS-------------((1))

20) ecthyma gangrenosum---seen in pseudomonas septicaemia -------((1))

21) eczema---atopic eczema--------------------------((1))

22) erythema--------------------------------------((1))

23) erythema pernio ---cause COLD exposure--------------((1))

24) ENL-erythema nodosum leprosum--------------((1))

25) erythema infectiosum-----------------((1))

26) erythrasma---caused by cornybacterium minutissium-----------((1))

27) erythema induratum---is a form of dermatitis -------------((1))

28) fungi with no sexual stage ---imperfect fungi -----------((1))

29) fixed drug eruption--drugs causing----------((1))

30) freckles---------------(1))

31) fordyce's disease--affects LIPS-------------((1))

32) genital warts ---HPV. ------------------((1))

33) gentian violet---safest local antibiotic -------((1))

34) hair grow---in anagen phase ---------------((1))

35) langerhan cells----antigen presenting cells--------((1))

36) lupus vulgaris---T.B.of skin-------------------((1))

37) macule--- ---------------((1))

38) malignant melanoma--- -------------((1))

39) miliaria---crystallina --------------((1))

40) morphoea---over forehead---------------------((1))

41) mycosis fungoides--T-cell- ---------------------((1))

42) morbilliform rash---N.meningitides ------------------((1))

43) neurofibroma---Lisch nodules seen------------((1))

44) nevus---junctional -pre malignant---------------((1))

45) niacin---photodermatitis / pellagra---------------((1))

46) necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum---DM.----------------((1))

47) "neuro cut. Diseases---tuberous sclerosis,ashleaf patches ,neuro fibromatosis ,"-----((1))

48) patch test---used in contact dermatitis--read after 2 days / 48hrs----------------((1))

49) pyoderma--- -------------((1))

50) "premalignant oral carcinoma---leukoplakia,melonoma,submucosal fibrosis…"------((1)

51) phrynoderma---vit .A def.&EFA def… -----------((1))

52) purpura---(congenital erythripoietic P.--urophotoporphyrin cosyntathase III def.------((1)

53) scleroderma--- ------------------((1))

54) scrofuloderma--- ----------------((1))

55) seborrheic dematitis---pityriasis capitis -Cradle cap --------(1))

56) STDS.---CAUSES ------------((1))

57) solar keratosis---Rx topical 5-FU. ------------((1))

58) "steroids---most potent steroid-clobetasol proprionate /diproprio.,side effects"----------((1))

59) "slate like discolouration ---chorpromazine,minocycline,amiodarone…"---------((1))

60) "subepidermal blistering---dermatitis herpetiformis ,TEN,bullous pemphigoid…"------------------((1))

61) subepidermal bulla---pemphigoid ---------------((1))

62) skin doubling time ---4 wks. ------------------((1))

63) sterptomycin---used in Rx of G.V. granuloma venereum ----------((1))

64) Toxic epidermal necrolysis---Lyell's synd. -------------((1))

65) tetracyclines--- --------------((1))

66) UV radiation---max skin is damaged in 290-360nm wavelength ------((1))

67) vagabond's disease ---pediculosis corporis -----------(1)

68)vesicles---& vesicobullous lesions--- ----------------((1))

69) vit.A---phrynoderma& uses -------------------------((1))

70) xerodema pigmentosa---A.R. disorder ----nucleotide bases repair defect-------------((1))

71) "oral mucosal lesions---L.P.&rosacea,…" ------------((1))

72) mucous memb. Lesions--pemphigus vul. ---------------------------------------------

·         woodlamp shows different colours which helps us in diagnosing that particular condition:
ü  Erythrasma ---- gives a ---- coral red colour
ü  Pseudomonas ---- gives a ---- greenish colour
ü  Porphyria cutanea tarda ---- gives a ---- pinkish red colour
ü  Tuberous sclerosis ---- gives a ---- blue white colour and visibility of ash leaf macule
ü  Tinea capitis ---- gives a ---- light cream colour
ü  Ptyriasis versicolor ---- gives a ---- golden yellow colour
ü  Leprosy ---- gives a ---- blue white colour
ü  Golden Yellow (Tinea Versicolor)
ü  Pale Green (Trichophyton Schoenleini)
ü  Bright Yellowgreen (Microsporum Audouini or M. Canis)
ü  Aquagreen To Blue (Pseudomonas Aeruginosa)
ü  Pink To Pinkorange (Porphyria Cutanea Tarda)
ü  Ash-Leaf-Shaped Spot (Tuberous Sclerosis)
ü  Bluewhite (Leprosy)
ü  Pale White (Hypopigmentation)
ü  Purplebrown (Hyperpigmentation)
ü  Bright White, Or Bluewhite (Depigmentation, Vitiligo)
ü  Bright White (Albinism)

·         Water-related disease any disease whose spread is related to water in some way.
The four types are: water-borne disease, water-washed disease, water-based disease, and water-related insect vector disease
Water-based disease a disease that spreads through water contaminated with parasites (worms), either when you drink it or when it penetrates the skin, usually through an open wound. Water-based diseases include schistosomiasis and guinea worm
Water-borne disease a disease that spreads through water containing human or animal faeces and urine, either when you drink such water directly or you eat food that has been cleaned with it. Water-borne diseases include cholera and other diarrhoeal disease; typhoid fever; polio; roundworm; and whipworm. Water-borne diseases also count as water-washed.
Water-washed disease Also called water-scarce diseases: diseases that thrive in conditions where freshwater is scarce and sanitation is poor. Infections are transmitted when too little fresh water is available for washing hands Eg. Scabies,Trachoma, leprosy, tuberculosis, whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria.
Water-related insect disease a disease that is carried by insects that breed in or near dirty water, such as mosquitoes.

·         Examples of conditions that show Type 1 Hypersensitivity are :
1. Eczema
2. Hay Fever
3. Asthma ( atopy )
4. Urticaria
5. Anaphylactic shock
6. Acute dermatitis
7. Theobald Smith phenomenon
8. Prusnitz kustner reaction
9. Casoni's test
10. Schultz Dale phenomenon

·         Examples of Conditions associated with Type 2 Hypersensitivity are :
1. Blood transfusion reactions
2. Erythroblastosis fetalis
3. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia or agranulocytosis or thrombocytopenia 
4. Good pasture syndrome 
5. Graves disease
6. Myasthenia Gravis
7. Pemphigus vulgaris
8. Bullous pemphigoid
9. Pernicious anemia 
10. Acute rheumatic fever
11. Diabetes Mellitus  

·         Examples of conditions associated with Type 3 Hypersensitivity reaction are :

1. Arthus reaction ( locally )
2. Serum sickness ( systemically )
3. Schick test
4. Polyarteritis Nodosa ( PAN )
5. Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA )
6. Systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE )
7. Acute viral hepatitis
8. Pencillamine toxicity
9. Hyperacute graft rejection 
10. Type 2 lepra reaction ( ENL )
11. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis  

·         Examples of conditions associated with Type 4 Hypersensitivity are :
1. Tuberculin test
2. Lepromin test
3. Contact dermatitis
4. Tuberculosis ( TB )
5. Sarcoidosis
6. Temporal arteritis
7. Patch test
8. Granulomatous inflammation 
9. Type 1 Lepra reaction 
10. Jones mote reaction ( Cutaneous Basophilic Hypersensitivity )

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